4 Seat Reclining Couches

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Recliner sectional couch in white coconut color, linen, L-shaped

Coconut 4 Seat Sectional with 2 Recliners


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L-shaped recliner couch with 4 seats and 2 recliners in beige velvet, modular

Warm Sand 4 Seat Sectional with 2 Recliners


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Modular L-shaped recliner couch with 2 recliners in grey linen

Gloomy Day In 4 Seat Sectional with 2 Recliners


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L-shaped recliner sofa in white velvet, modular with 2 recliners

Marshmallow 4 Seat Sectional with 2 Recliners


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Reclining L-shaped sectional couch in white linen, modular

Coconut 4 Seat Sectional with 3 Recliners


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Beige velvet sectional corner couch with 4 seats and 3 recliners, modular

Warm Sand 4 Seat Sectional with 3 Recliners


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L-shaped recliner couch in grey velvet with 2 recliners, modular

Evening Fog 4 Seat Sectional with 2 Recliners


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L-shaped recliner sectional couch with 4 seats and 1 recliner in beige velvet

Warm Sand 4 Seat Sectional with 1 Recliner


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L-shaped recliner couch in grey linen with one recliner, modular

Gloomy Day In 4 Seat Sectional with 1 Recliner


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Sectional couch in white linen with one recliner, L-shaped

Coconut 4 Seat Sectional with 1 Recliner


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L-shaped recliner couch in grey velvet with one recliner, modular

Evening Fog 4 Seat Sectional with 1 Recliner


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L-shaped recliner couch in white velvet with one recliner, modular

Marshmallow 4 Seat Sectional with 1 Recliner


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Reclining L-shaped sectional in white and beige velvet

Beach Day 4 Seat Sectional with 2 Recliners


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Grey linen L-shaped couch with 3 recliners

Gloomy Day In 4 Seat Sectional with 3 Recliners


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Shell 4 Seat Sectional with 3 Recliners

Shell 4 Seat Sectional with 3 Recliners


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Shell 4 Seat Sectional with 2 Recliners

Shell 4 Seat Sectional with 2 Recliners


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Shell 4 Seat Sectional with 1 Recliner

Shell 4 Seat Sectional with 1 Recliner


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L-shaped reclining sofa in white velvet, modular, with 3 recliners

Marshmallow 4 Seat Sectional with 3 Recliners


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L-shaped modular recliner sectional with 3 recliners in dark velvet grey

Evening Fog 4 Seat Sectional with 3 Recliners


Save 15% - code HONOR

4 seat sectional in beige and white velvet, modular with reclining seats

Beach Day 4 Seat Sectional with 3 Recliners


Save 15% - code HONOR

L-shaped two color sectional in beige and white velvet with one recliner

Beach Day 4 Seat Sectional with 1 Recliner


Save 15% - code HONOR

4 Seat Reclining Couches

If you're in the market for a comfortable and stylish couch that can accommodate multiple people, then look no further than Homebody's 4 seat reclining couches. These couches are designed with an unmatched level of comfort and are a true must-have in any home.

Not only is the Homebody couch modular, but shoppers can also choose any number of reclining seats for maximum leisure and comfort. Additionally, you can add ottomans or chaises to customize the couch even further. This means that you can create a couch that fits your exact needs and style preferences.

One of the most notable features of Homebody's 4 seat reclining sectionals is the use of eiderdown filling. Eiderdown is a more eco-friendly version of regular down, which provides an unparalleled level of comfort. The seating is made of five levels of cushioning, providing excellent support.

The Homebody couch is available in velvet, linen, or stain-resistant faux-suede materials, so you can choose the option that best suits your style and functional needs. The velvet material, for instance, adds a luxurious touch to the couch, while the linen material is more breathable. The stain-resistant faux-suede option is perfect for families with kids or pets.

Finally, the recliners on the Homebody couch are fully automatic and require only 2 inches of space from the wall. This means that you can place the couch closer to the wall, which provides more flexibility and saves valuable living space.

4 Seat Reclining Couches
How many recliners can a 4 seater sofa have?

The number of recliners in a 4 seater recliner sofa varies both based on the brand and personal need. With Homebody recliner sofas, it depends on the positioning of the seats: if you place all four seats in one row, you can have as many as 4 recliners - one for every seat of your couch. If you choose to have your Homebody couch as an L-shape then you can have up to 3 recliner seats.Then, there is always an option to split your 4 seater couch into a 3 seat couch and a stand-alone recliner allowing for all 4 seats in a set being a recliner.

How to arrange a 4 seater recliner couch?

Here are some tips to help you arrange a 4-seater recliner couch:
Placement and Positioning: Decide where you want to position the 4-seater recliner couch. It can be placed against a wall or float in the middle of the room, depending on the available space and the desired layout.
Reclining Functionality: Consider the reclining feature of the couch. Ensure that you have enough space behind and in front of the couch to allow for the full extension of the reclining seats without obstruction. Leave clearance for the footrests to fully extend. Homebody recliner couches require only 2" of back clearance and 20" in front for a full recline.
Coffee Table or Ottoman: Place a coffee table or a 
matching ottoman in the center of the recliner couch to provide a convenient surface for placing drinks, snacks, or other items. 

What are some of the features of a 4 seater recliner sofa?

Here are some common features you might find in a 4-seater recliner sofa:
Reclining Mechanism: Reclining seats of the sofa are equipped with a reclining mechanism that allows individuals to adjust the backrest and footrest to their desired position. You can recline as much or as little as you want on your Homebody sofa, allowing everyone to find their perfect angle.
USB Charging Ports: Modern recliner sofas, including Homebody, come equipped with built-in USB charging ports. These ports allow you to charge your electronic devices, such as phones or tablets.
Modular Design: Certain 4-seater recliner sofas have a modular design, allowing you to reconfigure the seating arrangement to suit your preferences or accommodate different room layouts. This flexibility can be advantageous when you want to change the sofa's configuration or expand it in the future. All of Homebody's couches are modular.